Saturday, December 9, 2006

Hotelier donates PC, office gear to Akapbata

A hotels consultant from Basel, Switzerland was chatting with a group of Filipino contract workers in an internet café when they chanced on the website of Akapbata. Reading about our calls for assistance, Matthias Meyer decided to gift Akapbata with two balikbayan boxes of office materials.
The donation included a personal computer, two printers, two scanners, a fax machine, photocopier, a manual camera and supplies of printer ink and thermal paper. Mr. Meyer said he would try to get his friends in Switzerland to continue sending gifts to the Filipino children.
Help AKAPBATA spread the word about working together for Early Childhood Development. You can do your share by printing the outer and inside pages of this newsletter and folding crosswise along the center. This is the inner side.
Make many photocopies back to back and share these with your friends and workplace colleagues. Use this to inspire your group to raise small amounts to help AKAPBATA’s advocacy. Also send the PDF file to all your email networks. Like Mr. Meyer You too can help Akapbata meet its commitment to the poor children and their families by donating cash, materials and services. Get in touch with Akapbata at the contact information in this newsletter. Thank you to all who support our development projects for the children!

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